The Sukulu phosphate and fertiliser project is in a continuous process of development of requisite data and information for the completion a bankable feasibility study. An extensive process has been followed since Madhvani International first concluded a Memorandum of Understanding with the Government of Uganda in 1998. This website provides access to all data and documents available to and produced by Madhvani International and Nilefos. In February 2009, Nilefos Minerals Ltd commissioned SRK Consultants of South Africa to prepare a comprehensive feasibility study to fullfill the requirements of international financial institutions. This study was completed and its report was published in October 2010. The project is ongoing as of September 2011.

  1. Uganda country profile
  2. Uganda: history from pre-colonial times to today
  3. Uganda today (statistics and institutional details)
  4. Phosphorus in the soil-plant system
  5. Use of Phosphate Rocks for Sustainable Agriculture
  6. Agriculture statistics in Uganda: 2005-2006
  7. Trade-off study for the development strategy of the project
    (restricted access with login and password)
  8. The project
    (restricted access with login and password)

updated on 16/08/2017 by Pierre Ratcliffe Consultant to MISA/Nilefos Contact through Nilefos: (